Sunday, January 1, 2012

Like the sea

Like the sea

You came out of nowhere,
And you broke my guard.
I hid my feelings and thoughts,
And you found them and looked at them.
I ran away from you,
But at the end of the road,
I triped into your arms.
But at first I didn’t wanted,
Neither you,
But the play began,
And both of us were involved.
And we decided go with the flow.
Then like the current of the sea,
When drag an object into the sea,
It became harder to reach.
And I strech the hand,
And nothing comes.
And I sat on the shore to see,
If the bottle in the sea get close to me.
And by looking at the current as I see.
It seems difficult to get to me…


  1. La vida es como un mar inmenso que te lleva en sus vaivenes interminables...a veces uno tiene que dejarse llevar por las olas pero a la vez hay que tener el coraje de saber cuando viene una mas grande para no dejar ahogarse... :)
    Y si uno se ahoga, menos pienso que seria una muerte bonita y silenciosa.

  2. Esta lindo! Me gusta mucho el final porque rima, tiene un ritmo propio como el vaiven del agua.

  3. Feels like one of my poems. I actually thought I was reading a bit of mine O_o Weird.

  4. Exelente prosa!!! Me encanto, es mi 2do fav d esta page
