Saturday, December 31, 2011


When everything’s over,
When all the spoils are taken,
Something’s always left,
And issues always comes up,
When dealing with that.

What to do now,
When everything is lost?
For what reason we fight,
If we lose those that are sacred to us?
How to deal with this,
When someone is already gone?
And what do you get now,
When you gambled and lost it all?

When I lost all hope,
When I was dropped to my knees,
I just saw that figure,
Getting away and away in just a blink.
I looked myself into the mirror,
And I noticed,
That I ceased to exist…


  1. This one is my favorite in this page !!!!

  2. This one also...there are words que faltan pero en general es un poema muy hermoso y touching.
